Our Mission
“ The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings. ”
— Masanobu Fukuoka, 'The One Straw Revolution'
True Grass Farms primary goal is to regenerate landscapes and restore water cycles by increasing diversity of plants and biological communities. We use Holistic decision making and animal impact as tools to stimulate ecosystems beneficially. We seek partnerships and collaborations with land-based individuals and organizations interested in the long-term health and function of their ecological assets.
The grasslands of California evolved with large herds of ruminants and their predators uninhibited by modern freeways and fence lines. Today the grassland habitats are fractured and the symbiotic relationship between the grazers, the grass, and their predators is broken. We aim to reestablish this healthy relationship in which humans play a management role that benefits the entire ecosystem. For us, it all begins with the grass.
“On left, Guido Frosini at True Grass Farm digs a hole to show how grasses breakdown and become top soil. On right, plant matter is seen in a state of decay which will eventually form into new top soil.” - FARM OF THE FUTURE
We use all portable, low-profile, and temporary electric fence to manage our herd allowing us to be flexible and not have to rely on any existing infrastructure. We rotate our animals as prescribed by the land and only graze for optimal grassland health. Our herd consists of a carefully selected breed that is resilient and adapted to coastal environment in order to maximize nutritional efficiencies.
We commit ourselves to maintaining healthy pastureland by embracing a process of regenerative adaptive grazing that depends upon the stewardship of a natural ecosystem—of which we as well as the grass are only two elements.
We reach beyond to inherit an even older wisdom: by nurturing unique natural cycles, we in turn are nurtured by the land—an understanding that reveals itself in the quality of our products as well as in the sustainability of our operation.